Omg, the accomodation- the hostel we stayed in was so dirty and dusty. T.T
And, the water in the hostel bathroom was so little that we hav no choice but to run all the way 2 the public toilet to take our bath.=.=
Well the trip was not bad, we get to know alot of fwens that r frm diff family backgrounds, diff races, diff religion bla bla bla...
I think this camp is reli benefitcial. I learnt abt teamwork... leadership skills....Love between diff races... =)
Sadly, our phone was confiscated by the camp commander till the last day. Everyone must surrender their phones. So i couldnt manage 2 snap the pics of the activities =(
Lol well we departed frm Kuching on Sunday morning.... And reached Limbang at Monday afternoon.. haha long trip~ We checked in to the Dewan Suarah Limbang hostel. Omg when i once enter my room.... i almost fainted.
It was dirty n no maintainence de. Omg. The bathroom even worst.
At that instant, i feel like going home. T.T
I miss my family...
Well we had ice breaking on the 1st nite. Quite fun lol.
The nxt morning, we hav 2 wake up as early as 4am 2 get ourselves ready 4 Kuliah Moral on 5am. =.=
We went jungle trekking at Kampung Tanjong, which we got ourselves so dirty wif mud and soil.... lol... The villagers at Kampung Tanjong was friendly. They welcomed us wif their local specialties like vry rare kuih and stuffs and traditional dances.
Next, we went 2 the river behind Kampung Tanjong 2 fish.
Haha the boys do the fishing while the girls set up fire,cleaned the catch and roasted the poor fishes.
We had an enjoyable meal. Haha.
We also carried our Khidmat Masyarakat, which we went 2 a malay kampong 2 pay a single mother with 15 kids a visit.
Her husband passed away last yr and she had 2 look after the kids by herself. The youngest is only primary 5..
Their kampong hze was vry old and looked as if its going to collapse at any second.
I feel much sympathy 4 them....
We helped her 2 clean the hze, carry out basic hze chores, cooked...
When we're on the way back to Kuching, we stopped at Bintulu 4 a nite.
We stayed at SMK Teknik Bintulu.
The hostel there was 100 times worst than the hostel at Limbang.
The mattress was so old n dusty,with lizard dung still.... =.=
My gosh.
I kept telling myself tat : " aly! SABAR... jz one more nite...."
U cnt imagine how happy i was when i finally reached home the nxt day!!
I straightaway took a warm nice bath which i hadnt had in the last few days,
and jumped into my bed and slept till noon the nxt morning.
Here are some photos i took.
Dinner at Bintulu
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